HMAC’s October 2024 Flight Lines Newsletter is now online

Hi there HMAC Members & fellow Aviation Folk

It’s time for another monthly Newsletter from the Hamilton Model Aero Club for October 2024. As always, we hope you enjoy the reading & viewing. You can read the latest Newsletter directly from the Newsletters page of this website.

Contributions for the November newsletter are always welcome plus we invite ideas and gentle feedback.

Contributions for the November 2024 Newsletter are welcomed directly to the editors desk at


HMAC’s Final 2024 Club Night meeting is on Wednesday 11th December at 7:30 pm (open to all members & visitors).

Club Night theme: Our Xmas Wrap up

Club Night Venue: Beerescourt Bowling Club, 68A Maeroa Road – Hamilton

Happy Reading Folks


Web site:

Newsletter Page Link

Annual Subscriptions due by 1st April

HMAC Subs 2024-2025 are as follows:

Subscriptions & renewals are for the period 1st April 2024 through 31st March 2025. Existing members must renew their membership before 1st April 2024 to continue flying at HMAC or other MFNZ club venues.

Senior R/C $210 ( now from 26 years of age or greater at 1st April )

Family R/C $220   ( includes partners & immediate junior family members up to and including age 25 as at 1st April )

Retired R/C (70yrs+)  $190

Free Flight & Control Line   $140

Junior   $40 (must be 25 years of age or less as at 1st April (MFNZ Affiliation is Free of Charge)

Associate (all flying)  $80  (joined with MFNZ through another Club)

Newsletter/Club Night & Non Flying membership $25

The Club subscription year is from 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025. All membership fees must be paid prior to 1st April for the coming subscription year.

Existing members may pay by Bank Funds Transfer to the following account: 03-0314-0215645-00. Please include your name details and subscription type. An email to the treasurer ( )  to let him know you have paid is also helpful.  You may also pay by visiting your local bank and completing a bank deposit.  Note, Personal Cheques are no longer accepted.

New Members, please post (or email – see below) your completed Application Forms to:

The Treasurer
Hamilton Model Aero Club
PO Box 1333
Waikato Mail Centre
Hamilton 3240
New Zealand

Oralternatively, email the treasurer/secretary (or see contacts tab above) all of your completed forms and make a bank funds transfer to the following account using your name and subscription type as reference.

Direct transfer to Bank Account 03 0314 0215645 00

NOTE: Reduced fees apply to “new” members joining between 1st October and 31st March, please contact the treasurer as noted above for the applicable fees to pay

HMAC’s Reekers Flying Field is currently “OPEN for Flying”

HMAC’s Reekers Flying Field is currently
“OPEN for Flying”
Covid19 restrictions no longer apply


Please note of the following guidelines when visiting the HMAC field no longer apply at the present time, this may change in the future.

We are keeping these available for future reference.

Please follow Covid Government guidelines when visiting the HMAC field plus follow our local requirements below.

Covid guidelines are here for your information

Health & Safety:

  • Social Distancing rules apply. Maintain 1 metre separation.
  • Anyone feeling unwell or with potential Covid-19 symptoms must stay away.
  • You must be a current 2021-2022 member to resume flying.
  • Everyone (includes visitors) must Scan the Covid Location Poster or fill out the Contact Tracing Register in the Letter Box upon arrival at the field. Please sanitise your hands immediately afterwards.
  • Bring your own hand Sanitiser and Bacterial Wet Wipes etc to the field for your use.
  • Bring a soapy water spray or similar for sanitising your planes and equipment (eg: Handy Andy, Dettol, dishwashing soap or similar in a spray bottle with cleaning rags/paper towels). Please take home all of your own rubbish and cleaning items.
  • Take home “all” of your rubbish including paper towels, gloves, rags, food items and any potentially contaminated items.
  • Sanitise hands before and after putting the fence “down or up” and when closing the road gate. Alternatively use gloves.
  • Sanitise all public equipment before and after use: eg Club Chairs, Table Handles, Road Cones and any club equipment used from the shed.
  • Do not touch other peoples aircraft or equipment unless asked to do so by the owner and sanitise hands immediately afterwards.
  • Sanitise/clean your aircraft, Transmitter, Starting Equipment & Tools etc regularly if others are to handle these items.


  • Maintain 2 metre separation
  • Use the starting poles or a model restraint for your aircraft when starting IC motors
  • Main runway: Only three pilots to be flying at a time from the pilots box.
  • Only fly whilst standing on the painted pavers or remain a minimum of 2m apart
  • Electric and glider flying: may take place from the paddock on the north side of the car park. There is no restriction on number of pilots flying from here, however remain 2m apart.

Covid19 Reporting:

  • In the unlikely event that you or anybody you come in contact with develops Covid-19

you must contact a member of the committee immediately to assist with contact tracing.

Dated 04/12/2021 – HMAC Committee