Club Rules


HMAC rules are underpinned by the Model Flying NZ CAR102 Operations Manual.

All members should be familiar with the contents of the CAR102 Manual: Model Flying NZ CAR 102 Manual

  1. All flyers must be financial members of the Hamilton Model Aero Club. A non club member must be sponsored by a club member at all times.
  2. The club captain, competition director or committee members are designated Safety Officers for scheduled flying days and events.
  3. All Pilots must hold a Wings Badge Qualification (Wings Program) appropriate to the model they intend to fly. All flyers without a Wings Badge must have an observer who has the appropriate Wings Badge for the model to be flown and is capable of flying the aircraft. The wings badge process and guidelines are available from the Model Flying NZ web site Model Flying NZ under the Wings Qualification tab or by following this link Wings Badge Qualification . Please contact the HMAC Vice President or Secretary to organise wing badge testing HMAC Contacts Page
  4. All “Internal Combustion Engines” must have a suitable effective muffler. All Pilots are expected to ensure noise outputs from their models are kept to within reasonable sound limits. ie: the quieter the better. The Club & Club Officials reserve the right to deem a motor too noisy for operation at a club venue.
  5. The flying field is a NO SMOKING area.
  6. All children under 10 years must be under the direct supervision of an adult.
  7. All Members or Visitors with Dogs must ensure they remain on a leash and under control at all times.
  8. All fliers must be conversant with the Site Map and Good Flying Safety Practice.
  9. Flying of gliders, small electric planes and helicopter hovering is permitted to the North of the pits, but must be from a safe distance from the pits.
  10. Persons under the influence of drugs or alcohol are not permitted to have control of an aircraft.
  11. Height Restriction: There is a height restriction of 400ft above ground for models operating in this area. Manned aircraft have absolute right of way and model pilots have no rights and all responsibility. Models must reduce height and remain well clear of manned aircraft at all times.
  12. Observer Rule: All flying operations must include a trained Observer to ensure flying models do not endanger Full Size Aircraft operating in or passing through the immediate flying field area. An observer may observe for multiple piloted R/C aircraft. Please refer to the MFNZ Observer Training guide linked here: Observer Training Guide. Members holding a Wings Badge are deemed to be Trained Observers.
  13. Flyers in an organised club event have preferential use of the airfield during the times specified for the event, or as directed by the event organiser
  14. When running up or testing motors, consider the safety and comfort of other members in the area. Do not run your engine at high rev’s whilst someone is towards the front of the propeller
  15. When retrieving models use the gates if you need to get to another paddock. Ensure you close any gates that you open.
  16. The last pilot to fly is responsible for ensuring that the cones, flight direction sign and peg board are returned to the shed, the club shed door is closed and the electric fence erected correctly and re-connected before leaving. 
  17. The last person to leave is to close the entrance gate to the flying site.
  18.  Keep your speed below 30kmh on the farm track.
  19.  Leave the main road gate from Collins Road as you find it.
  20.  The Club & Club Officials reserve the right to expel any person from the HMAC Field for breach of rules or conduct.

Good Flying Safety Practice at HMAC

  • Pilots operating Transmitters using frequencies other than 2.4Ghz (ie: 27, 29, 35, 36, 40 & &72 Mhz) must use the Frequency Control Peg Board. A pilot must place his “Name Peg” on the board against any established frequency channel they intend using. The pilots Name Peg must remain on the peg board whenever they are using that frequency. No pilot may use a frequency that is in use by another pilot, until the first pilot has removed his name peg from that Frequency Channel on the peg board.
  • Pilots operating FPV (First Person View) equipment must establish their equipment does not interfere with any other FPV users prior to operation of their equipment.
  • Ensure that your model is airworthy, batteries charged and controls working properly before you start your model.
  • Carry out a range check on your radio as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Understand where you are allowed to fly (site map is on the shed wall).
  • Models with internal combustion (ic) engines must be tethered or restrained whilst starting.
  • Models with 30cc engines or larger must use the “starting pole stations” for starting and should not be started within the general Pits area.
  • No taxiing in the pits area.
  • A maximum of five aircraft can operate from the main runway at any one time.  Five orange cones should be placed in the pilot box on busy days.
  • Establish a set takeoff and landing direction and place the flight “Circuit Direction Sign” near the pilot box.
  • Have an observer available to watch for full sized aircraft.
  • For FPV flying an observer must maintain direct visual contact with the model and take over flying if required.
  • Check with other pilots in the pilot box before you taxi/walk on to the runway in case they are about to land or do a low pass over the runway.
  • After taking off, promptly move to a spare cone in the pilot box.
  • Remain standing in the pilot box so you can communicate clearly with other pilots.
  • Announce if you are doing a low pass over the runway and get clear agreement to this from everyone on the flight line.
  • Keep upwind passes overhead the runway and downwind passes further away.  Separation of at least 70m is required.
  • Announce any emergency in flight or a dead stick landing. Announce the direction of the landing if not from the established direction.
  • With a normal landing announce that you are in the circuit and about to land.
  • Inform the other pilots if you are to walk onto the runway to a retrieve model and again when you have cleared the runway.
  • Consider that your fellow pilots’ abilities may not be as skilled as your own so leave room for mistakes.
  • There is a maximum Height Restriction of 400ft above ground for models operating from this Field




HMAC’s Reekers Flying Field is currently

“OPEN for Flying”
The following Covid19 restrictions no longer apply at this present time (as from 13 Sept 2022)

Please take note of the following guidelines when visiting the HMAC field if Covid 19 health restrictions return in the future.

Please follow Government guidelines when visiting the HMAC field plus follow our local requirements below.

Covid  guidelines are here for your information

Health & Safety:

  • Social Distancing rules apply. Maintain 1 metre separation.
  • Anyone feeling unwell or with potential Covid-19 symptoms must stay away.
  • You must be a current 2021-2022 member to resume flying.
  • Everyone (includes visitors) must Scan the Covid Location Poster or fill out the Contact Tracing Register in the Letter Box upon arrival at the field. Please sanitise your hands immediately afterwards.
  • Bring your own hand Sanitiser and Bacterial Wet Wipes etc to the field for your use.
  • Bring a soapy water spray or similar for sanitising your planes and equipment (eg: Handy Andy, Dettol, dishwashing soap or similar in a spray bottle with cleaning rags/paper towels). Please take home all of your own rubbish and cleaning items.
  • Take home “all” of your rubbish including paper towels, gloves, rags, food items and any potentially contaminated items.
  • Sanitise hands before and after putting the fence “down or up” and when closing the road gate. Alternatively use gloves.
  • Sanitise all public equipment before and after use: eg Club Chairs, Table Handles, Road Cones and any club equipment used from the shed.
  • Do not touch other peoples aircraft or equipment unless asked to do so by the owner and sanitise hands immediately afterwards.
  • Sanitise/clean your aircraft, Transmitter, Starting Equipment & Tools etc regularly if others are to handle these items.


  • Maintain 1 metre separation minimum
  • Use the starting poles or a model restraint for your aircraft when starting IC motors
  • Main runway: Only three pilots to be flying at a time from the pilots box.
  • Only fly whilst standing on the painted pavers or remain a minimum of 2m apart
  • Electric and glider flying: may take place from the paddock on the north side of the car park. There is no restriction on number of pilots flying from here, however remain 1m apart.

Covid19 Reporting:

  • In the unlikely event that you or anybody you come in contact with develops Covid-19

you must contact a member of the committee immediately to assist with contact tracing.

Updated 13/09/2022 – HMAC Committee