Annual Subscriptions due by 1st April

HMAC Subs 2024-2025 are as follows:

Subscriptions & renewals are for the period 1st April 2024 through 31st March 2025. Existing members must renew their membership before 1st April 2024 to continue flying at HMAC or other MFNZ club venues.

Senior R/C $210 ( now from 26 years of age or greater at 1st April )

Family R/C $220   ( includes partners & immediate junior family members up to and including age 25 as at 1st April )

Retired R/C (70yrs+)  $190

Free Flight & Control Line   $140

Junior   $40 (must be 25 years of age or less as at 1st April (MFNZ Affiliation is Free of Charge)

Associate (all flying)  $80  (joined with MFNZ through another Club)

Newsletter/Club Night & Non Flying membership $25

The Club subscription year is from 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025. All membership fees must be paid prior to 1st April for the coming subscription year.

Existing members may pay by Bank Funds Transfer to the following account: 03-0314-0215645-00. Please include your name details and subscription type. An email to the treasurer ( )  to let him know you have paid is also helpful.  You may also pay by visiting your local bank and completing a bank deposit.  Note, Personal Cheques are no longer accepted.

New Members, please post (or email – see below) your completed Application Forms to:

The Treasurer
Hamilton Model Aero Club
PO Box 1333
Waikato Mail Centre
Hamilton 3240
New Zealand

Oralternatively, email the treasurer/secretary (or see contacts tab above) all of your completed forms and make a bank funds transfer to the following account using your name and subscription type as reference.

Direct transfer to Bank Account 03 0314 0215645 00

NOTE: Reduced fees apply to “new” members joining between 1st October and 31st March, please contact the treasurer as noted above for the applicable fees to pay